I can't find the help for the functions...
I would like to read the descriptions of functions as: FormatDateTime,Format,FormatMaskText,VarArrayCreate etc.
I have the following help files: Programmers manual, Developer manual,User manual and Fast Report reference.
I couldn't find the functions in these.
Pressing F1 in Fast Report editor (Help contents) doesn't do anything.
Delphi help doesn't contain FR help.
Please help me!
I would like to read the descriptions of functions as: FormatDateTime,Format,FormatMaskText,VarArrayCreate etc.
I have the following help files: Programmers manual, Developer manual,User manual and Fast Report reference.
I couldn't find the functions in these.
Pressing F1 in Fast Report editor (Help contents) doesn't do anything.
Delphi help doesn't contain FR help.
Please help me!
go to the data pane click on the function tab, select a function
the function props and explanation are at the bottom of the data pane.
Thank you for the answer. My problem is that they are a too laconic.
For example at the Format it reads:
function Format(Fmt: String; Args: array): String
Returns formatted string assembled from a series of array arguments
What kind of array is Args? What is the syntax? Can Fmt be any string, or only numbers?
I think an example would be nice at each brief description [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad.gif" /> Actually my problem is that I wold like to put a string constant in an IIF selection and I got an error (below). Therefore I wanted to try the different functions, but I don't understand the parameters. [(IIF(<frxDBDatasetA."av_p">='USD',<frxDBDatasetA."av_p">,<frxDBDatasetA."av_p"> "[b](HERE I WOULD LIKE TO PUT A STRING BUT IT SHOWS ERROR)[/b]" ))][/img]
[(IIF(<frxDBDatasetA."av_p">='USD',<frxDBDatasetA."av_p">,<frxDBDatasetA."av_p"> "(HERE I WOULD LIKE TO PUT A STRING BUT IT SHOWS ERROR)" ))]
you can't put it there. and you have too many () braces
if the expression before the first comma is true then use the value after it else use the value after the second comma, either of those values can be modified by other functions.
[IIF(<frxDBDatasetA."av_p">='USD',<frxDBDatasetA."av_p">,<frxDBDatasetA."av_p"> )]
obvious won't do anyting for you as you are using the same data field without any difference in either value.
I think you misunderstood me. I figured it out, how to use IIF, but I need to put a string in the False section.
And I do need to put the same datafield, because it it' USD, then the output would be let's say "500 USD", but if it's in other currency I should generate e.g. "500 EUR/100" because the customer gets the non USD goods in 100 packages.
My problem is that I can't put the "/100" string value in case when it is not "USD".
Thank you
so your underlying field is a string so enclose the second value in ()and concantenate the string
the last portion should appear as
Thank you very much. It works!